As the title says, this is my first blog. Exciting right? Probably not for you, but for me. Man oh man, I don't know what to talk about. Well, this blog is for my foreign exchange year from sometime in August 2012- Sometime in Summer 2013. I'm type one diabetic, so that will add some spice to my year abroad. Basically this blog will be about me in Taipei, Taiwan going through all the ups and downs with everything else in between. I think this will be fun. I will put videos on my youtube channel also, and you can subscribe to that with the link below. (Not a RWJ reference.) I also have a meeting in May where I have to do a speech in Mandarin only so I'll have to put picutres up from that and my 5 minute speech xD. Stay tuned for more information. (It might be dead for a few months. Nothing going on except for me studying my Mandarin.)
-Blog to you later? (That was awful, I'll think of something later.)
Benjamin Michael Thomas.
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