So, I bet you're wondering, who is that awesome looking family? Well that's my host family ^^. I'm showing you them, just because I think that they deserve their own little post in my blog to introduce them. ALRIGHT! Left to right: 游惠元(YU, HUI-YUAN (her English name is Helen)) she's the same age as me, but we won't be going to the same school, she's going to an all girls school I think, so of course I won't go. She went on an exchange last year I think, and she went to Brazil. Maybe I can learn some Portugese during my stay too ;)? Next is my father, I haven't talked to him yet, but I hope I will get to talk to him very soon. Next is their current student they are hosting, his name is Donaldo. Next is my mother, she is a very nice person, and is working on getting me a bed, since I'm too big for the current one, I don't know the length of the bed, but I'm 185cm, so I'm pretty sure my feet would of been dangling off the edge xD. Finally is 游惠評( YU, HUI-PING (her English name is Grace)) she's a few years older than me. She also went on an exchange to Japan about 5-7 years ago(I think). So I can learn some stuff in 2 languages, while I try to get fluent in Mandarin. I've talked to her the most, since she contacted me first, and we have had some good information giving(no idea on how to word that.)
Time to make a new paragraph, that was a bit much. So, I'm in San Francisco right now, enjoying the touristy crap(which I hate doing, but might as well do it). I went into China town today and it was a neat thing to do, get a little taste(even though it won't even be like Taiwan... Taiwan will be infinity% better). Anyways, I'm staying with my 3rd cousin, who is a bit older than me, and there will be Danish girls here too on Sunday. I made cookies for them last night, and they loved them, my cousin's family did. I haven't been able to study as much as I wanted to these last few weeks, I've been trying to just keep on the flash cards, but I simply can't. When I get back to Idaho(July11) I will have the biggest crash course on learning my Chinese... So I will hopefully be able to have a decent conversation with my family.
I also got information about my name. Well, I only know what my last name would be. It's 游(YU (pronounced yow)) and that's all new with my name. They told me it'll be like a translation of Benjamin, maybe my mom and dad will tell me, other than that, I'll figure that one out on the first night(I will have a blog of my first week or so after orientation). Other than that, no other new information.
I think that'll conclude this little update on my blog. I should start my Video Blog things(I think they're called vlogs now-a-days). Maybe I'll do a vlog, maybe not. I already made a youtube channel, so might as well. Might not be constant, but it'll be good for a video if there was a lot going on, or I'm too lazy to type all of the stuff up lol. Anyways, I'll end it here, getting longer than I expected. 再见!