Tuesday, July 2, 2013

This is the End, Parte Deux.

I shall procrastinate no longer!!! I will write this final post! I have no questions, so we can skip that(I'm so popular)! Anyways, I'll talk about the re-adjustment process, and what I've been up to, and possible things to do for this blog(It'll stay travel related). So let's get this thing started! I'll put pictures of random cats to keep you interested.

Alright, so when I came back, I went into immediate reverse culture shock, and I hated that. In my opinion, reverse culture shock is worst than culture shock in itself. I'm not really sure how to explain it. It just sucks, to put it simply. Another thing, jet lag. For me, that lasted WAAAAY longer than I thought it would. It took 2-3 weeks for that to fully go away. That + reverse culture shock = Un-happy Ben. Anyways, after about a week I got back, (excluding the tests) I decided to try and meet up with old friends/exchange students. Well, the exchange students worked out amazingly! Friends, not so much. Shame on you friends. I'm joking hahahaha. They had school and everything so I don't blame them. Same with the exchange students, but they were somewhat more laxed with that. So I was able to hang out them a lot. Thank God, because I would of gone crazy without them. You know who you are! Anyways, that's a lot of words. Here's a picture(hoping this works)
Alright, so I was just hanging out with exchange students and some friends until May19, then I got to go to the last meeting for the inbounds(foreign people here), outbounds(local people who are going), and rebounds(local people who came back)! I got to meet the girl going to Taiwan(very nice girl and she will enjoy her time) and other outbounds, who, didn't really hmmmm, I won't say anything, but you get the idea. It's pretty much the same as last time, same song and dance, different people. I got to stay an extra day though! A small group of us stayed up all night. I slept for about an hour though. My body just can't stay up all night. Anyways, that day was fun! Next picture. 
Life has been pretty slow. I'm not sure what to talk about. So I'll wrap it up right here. This has been the best experience of my life, so far. Seriously, I'm very thankful to everybody who helped make this experience possible. Just to throw a list at you: My dad, mom, The Barkers, The Shaws, my local rotary club, my sponsoring rotary club, all three host families, and my counselors!

One more little paragraph. I'm thinking of turning this into a travel log. I travel to a city, I take pictures and I talk about how I liked it, and post pictures, talk about food and yeah! So, yep. I'm closing the book on this adventure of my life, and I'm glad I got to document (almost) everything I got to experience! Well, yep. Take care and, yep. Tschüss!!